Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What Happens Inside When You Cough What Happens If A Human Has A Larger Chromosome Number Than Normal?

What happens if a human has a larger chromosome number than normal? - what happens inside when you cough

Normal germ cells of humans have 23 chromosomes, and help ensure that both parents are a total of 46 chromosomes, but somehow say that both the sperm and egg were wrong, an error message during mitosis or something, and the son was carrying 92 chromosomes . What? Would be good or bad? Superman is the result?
All of curiosity .. Thank you!


Evan said...

There are only 4 cases in which this can happen, and can survive the child, and if you have three of chromosome 21 (Down syndrome), chromosome 13 (Patau syndrome), 18 (Edwards syndrome), or X Chromosome Patau syndrome causes eye, brain and defects of the circulatory system. Edwards syndrome harms nearly every organ system. In any case, the child will not live longer than 3 months. Trisomy X usually results in a normal woman. 3 or more than any other chromosome leads to a miscarriage. It is not technically a trisomy, a man could, and the extra X chromosome, XXY, and are usually sterile and of lower intelligence.

Joshua said...

In simple words,
genetic mutation, either by a small amount, such as allergies or sensitivities, or a set of example, the lack of vital organs or fetal death, ETC.

DVOTA said...

It would be very bad. Some diseases are caused by too much or too little of a particular chromosome. An example would be Down's syndrome.

Jason said...

Most cases are lethal, mutations of this type for the offspring.

Jason said...

Most cases are lethal, mutations of this type for the offspring.

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